CSWM&HC - 2017 Heritage Auction - Waterfowl Weekend

Champagne-class Brant decoy by H. Curt Salter. Part of the one-time Champagne Decoy Competition at the Core Sound Decoy Festival.
Lot 1: Champagne-class Brant decoy by H. Curt Salter. Part of the one-time Champagne Decoy Competition at the Core Sound Decoy Festival.
Curt Salter champagne-class Brant. Entered in the first and only Champagne Decoy Competition at the Core Sound Decoy Festival. He was a member of the "Original Seven" decoys carvers who established the Core Sound Decoy Carvers Guild and the Core Sound Decoy Festival. Mr. Curt `s birds rarely come to market and this is one the the very few champagne-size (less than 3.5 inches) decoys he ever made. The Decoy Carver`s Guild honored him by naming their facility the H. Curt Salter Building. Donated by Karen Willis Amspacher, Director of the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center. Curt Salter was a dedicated volunteer of the Museum at its first location near the Island school where he and other carvers spent many afternoons on the porch carving, whittling and tell hunting stories.
High bidder:552 (North Carolina)
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Canvas Canada Goose, all original, by sought-after Atlantic carver, Charlie Clifton Edwards, Sr.
Lot 2: Canvas Canada Goose, all original, by sought-after Atlantic carver, Charlie Clifton Edwards, Sr.
Charles Clifton Edwards (1897-1985) Atlantic, NC. This wire over canvas goose is in original paint, tear to canvas, circa 1950`s-60s. "Charlie" Edwards, Sr is noted for making some of the finest black duck and brant decoys to ever some off of Portsmouth Island in the 1920`s. Given by Chris & Kathryn Smith Chadwick; Kathryn is the granddaughter of Billy & Janice Smith and current board member of the CSWM&HC.
High bidder:516 (North Carolina)
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Portsmouth Redhead made by Charlie Salter. Rare all-juniper decoy.
Lot 3: Portsmouth Redhead made by Charlie Salter. Rare all-juniper decoy.
Charlie Salter (1907 to 1960) redhead made on Portsmouth Island. This decoy is extremely rare as it is made of all juniper. Most surviving examples of his work are made more cork or balsa while in Atlantic. Donated by Jerry & Valinda Coates, owners of the Davis Bed & Breakfast and proud supporters of the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center.
High bidder:503 (North Carolina)
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4) Blackhead with Davis Shore rigging and re-head.
Lot 4: 4) Blackhead with Davis Shore rigging and re-head.
This blackhead decoy has a 1920s body, unknown but likely a northern "bird", re-headed and rigged by a "Davisshoreman", as evidenced in the nail through the head and the weight on the bottom. Re-heading (and re-use) of decoy bodies brought to the Core Sound area by northern sportsmen is a tradition with Carteret Gun & Rod Club decoys, better known as "Clubhouse" decoys. This piece has "L" and what may be an "A" carved in the underside of the tail. Donated by Lionel Gilgo, Jr., a lifelong "voice" of Portsmouth Island and has been involved with all efforts to preserve the history and traditions of Core Sound from the Friends of Portsmouth to the Core Sound Decoy Carvers Guild and the Waterfowl Museum.
High bidder:555 (North Carolina)
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Beach Robin shorebird silhouette stick-up with original stake attributed to Alton Parker Taylor, Jr, Sea Level, NC
Lot 5: Beach Robin shorebird silhouette stick-up with original stake attributed to Alton Parker Taylor, Jr, Sea Level, NC
Beach Robin silhouette beach robin attributed to Alton Parker Taylor, Sr (1905-1988) of Sea Level, NC. Silhouette decoys became the shorebird decoys of choice in Carteret County beginning in the 1940`s. Many of these decoys were made of .25 inch marine grade plywood which was available due to the boat building which was taking place in the Down East communities. This example is in original paint with original stake. Donated by Pam Davis Morris, Collections Manager at the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center and native of Davis Shore. Her grandfather Ammie Paul is one of Davis Shore's most prominent carvers Her grandfather, Blanchard Davis, was also a recognized decoy carver, hunter and guide.
High bidder:555 (North Carolina)
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Excellent working Weldon Fulcher, Sr. Redhead with all original rigging, including weight. From his Stacy hunting rig.
Lot 6: Excellent working Weldon Fulcher, Sr. Redhead with all original rigging, including weight. From his Stacy hunting rig.
Incredible redhead with intact rigging by Weldon Fulcher (1904-1976) of Stacy, NC. Weldon was a lifelong Core Sound waterman. He first made decoys in the 1920`s and continued to do so his entire life. Donated by Doug Fulcher, grandson of Weldon Fulcher, Sr, son of Weldon Earl Fulcher, and a hunter and collector of Core Sound carvings. Doug has served on the board of the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center for years and has been one of its most faithful volunteers.
High bidder:557 (North Carolina)
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Harry Hamilton, Sea Level, NC cork Black Duck. This fine decoy is from his hunting rig. Unique construction features
Lot 7: Harry Hamilton, Sea Level, NC cork Black Duck. This fine decoy is from his hunting rig. Unique construction features
Harry Hamilton (1898-1973) black duck decoy. Harry was born in Sea Level. At an early age, he joined the Coast Guard and moved to the Outer Banks. He is credited with bringing canvas over wire decoy making to Carteret County.....a style he learned from men such as Mannie Haywood and Avery Tillet of Currituck County. This decoy has a wood insert in the bottom to hold the head, instead of a wood baseboard usually used on cork decoys. Donated by Jerry & Amie Talton; Jerry is a Core Sound decoy historian, carver and leader of the Core Sound Decoy Carvers Guild and volunteer for the CSWM&HC. Jerry's work has been featured on UNCTV, Wildlife in NC magazine, the film "Core Values" and represents the future of Core Sound decoy carving.
High bidder:555 (North Carolina)
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Blackhead (Lesser Scaup) "Clubhouse Decoy" with a Holly body & Irving Fulcher head.
Lot 8: Blackhead (Lesser Scaup) "Clubhouse Decoy" with a Holly body & Irving Fulcher head.
Blackhead "Club Duck" from the Carteret Gun and Rod Club, Jim Holly body with Irving Fulcher head from Irving Fulcher's hunting rig. Many Holly birds were brought to "The Clubhouse" and re-headed by the local guides and decoy makers. This is a fine example with deep historical roots. This blackhead decoy is what the Stacy and Davis Shore duck hunters call a clubhouse decoy. The yankees came to the Carteret Gun and Rod Club about 1917 from a club on the upper Chesapeake Bay. These men brought their decoys which were made by the Havre de Grace decoy carvers. Most of the decoys were made by James Holly. The club lost all of these decoys in the 1933 hurricane. All of the men at Stacy and Davis Shore found these decoys after the storm while looking for their gear, including their decoys which they had lost in the storm. After the 1933 hurricane a lot of the decoy hunting stands of the Stacy and Davis Shore duck hunters had these decoys. Donated by Doily Earl & Judy Fulcher: Doily Earl is a Stacy native and recognized historian of Core Sound history. His collection and writings reflect a deep knowledge of waterfowling traditions from Chincoteague to Core Sound. Doily Earl Fulcher SR. bought this decoy along with other decoys from Irvin Fulcher in Oct 1966 at his net house in Stacy.
High bidder:557 (North Carolina)
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Unusual Blackhead (Lesser Scaup) decoy by Willie Nelson, Stacy, NC. This decoy's unique design sets it apart.
Lot 9: Unusual Blackhead (Lesser Scaup) decoy by Willie Nelson, Stacy, NC. This decoy's unique design sets it apart.
Willie Nelson (1898-1990) blackhead, Stacy, NC. Willie made less than two dozen decoys and they are extremely rare. This is a must have bird for the Core Sound decoy carver. It will be difficult to find another example. Donated by Jerry & Valinda Coates, owners of the Davis Bed & Breakfast and proud supporters of the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center.
High bidder:1000000 (Illinois)
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Pristine Redhead by Clarence Lewis, Stacy, NC. This decoy is out of his hunting rig and has "CL" carved in the bottom.
Lot 10: Pristine Redhead by Clarence Lewis, Stacy, NC. This decoy is out of his hunting rig and has "CL" carved in the bottom.
Clarence Lewis (1914-1992) Stacy, NC redhead decoy from his hunting rig. This bird is in original paint and displays his carved initials indicating it was from his rig. Clarence was a friend and neighbor of Mitchell Fulcher, the iconic Core Sound decoy carver. Donated by Jesse & Sonya Sorrell. Jesse is a long time collector from Raleigh, NC. He has built one of the finest comprehensive NC decoy collections known. He currently serves the Carolina Decoy Collectors Association as an officer. His leadership there has enabled this association to partner with the Decoy Carvers Guild and Core Sound Museum in a successful effort to promote NC decoy collecting.
High bidder:1000000 (Illinois)
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Excellent canvas Canada Goose by Clarence Lewis, Stacy, NC. Great paint. From the Sterling Fulcher hunting Rig. Initials "SF" carved in the bottom.
Lot 11: Excellent canvas Canada Goose by Clarence Lewis, Stacy, NC. Great paint. From the Sterling Fulcher hunting Rig. Initials "SF" carved in the bottom.
Canvas over wire goose decoy by Clarence Lewis and used in the rig of Sterling Fulcher. Original paint. Given by Jerry & Valinda Coates whose collection includes many significant Core Sound decoys representing the rich history of the Down East area.
High bidder:1000000 (Illinois)
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Blackhead (Lesser Scaup) made by several Stacy carvers. Great condition with the Carl Hiatt collector brand.
Lot 12: Blackhead (Lesser Scaup) made by several Stacy carvers. Great condition with the Carl Hiatt collector brand.
Monnie Willis, Howard Pittman, Jasper Golden blackhead (lesser scaup) body with Eldon Willis & Elmer Salter head, formerly in the collection of Carl Hiatt. This decoy bears Carl's brand in the bottom and is a rare example in original paint. Howard Pittman and his uncle Monnie Willis made a rig of blackheads and redheads in the late 1950's. Howard's hunting buddy Jasper Golden helped with the decoy making. They made the bodies and bought heads from Eldon and Elmer and they painted the decoys. These decoys had flat bottoms. It is a decoy from the hunting rig of Howard Pittman and his Uncle Monnie Willis of Stacy . Decoy made in the late 1950's. Donated by Jerry & Valinda Coates, generous contributors to the Core Sound communities.
High bidder:558 (North Carolina)
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Great Blackhead (Lesser Scaup) by Stacy carving duo Elmer Salter and Eldon Willis. This decoy has a fantastic patina and carries the Carl Hiatt brand.
Lot 13: Great Blackhead (Lesser Scaup) by Stacy carving duo Elmer Salter and Eldon Willis. This decoy has a fantastic patina and carries the Carl Hiatt brand.
Eldon Willis & Elmer Salter blackhead (lesser scaup). This carving duo carved many iconic Core Sound decoys. This is an extremely early example and sports a stunning patina. It also carries the Carl Hiatt collector brand, same brand as #12. Donated by Blair & Charlene Boyd. Blair is a respected carver and decoy collector from Wilmington. He is a current Core Sound Decoy Carvers Guild member and is co-chairman of their annual decoy auction held during the Core Sound Decoy Festival weekend.
High bidder:529 (North Carolina)
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Redhead by Lambert Morris. Balsa decoy very similar in style to his friend Alvin Harris, both of Atlantic, NC
Lot 14: Redhead by Lambert Morris. Balsa decoy very similar in style to his friend Alvin Harris, both of Atlantic, NC
Lambert Morris, Sr (1904-1969) Atlantic, NC. This beautiful redhead is made of balsa wood in a style that has become known as Hunting Quarters decoys. Lambert carved a lot with Alvin Harris and later served the county as a judge, thus referred to as "Judge Lambert Morris".  Though the head is loose, this decoy is a fine example of a Lambert Morris redhead. Contributed by Chris & Kathryn Smith Chadwick who both work tirelessly for the Down East communities, providing leadership and resources to schools, scouts, churches and the CSWM&HC.
High bidder:556 (North Carolina)
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Henry Murphy Clubhouse Black Duck, factory body with Henry Murphy head. From his Davis Shore hunting rig, with his carved initials "HM" in the bottom.
Lot 15: Henry Murphy Clubhouse Black Duck, factory body with Henry Murphy head. From his Davis Shore hunting rig, with his carved initials "HM" in the bottom.
Henry Murphy (1898-1965) Clubhouse black duck. This decoy has his head on an Animal Trap factory body. It is from his Davis Shore hunting rig and sports his carved initials. Henry was a well-known guide from Davis Shore. His decoys are extremely rare and highly sought after by collectors nationwide. Donated by Henry & Amanda Kidd of Raleigh. Henry has an important decoy collection with a special emphasis on Core Sound birds. He is NC Duck`s Unlimited Chairman Elect for 2018. He and his wife own a home in Atlantic where they can be found most weekends.
High bidder:556 (North Carolina)
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Early Brant by Irving Fulcher, Stacy, NC. Probably made prior to 1933.
Lot 16: Early Brant by Irving Fulcher, Stacy, NC. Probably made prior to 1933.
Very early and important Brant decoy by Irving Fulcher (1896-1982) of Stacy, NC. His brant decoys are one of the most sought after birds from Core Sound. It is believed that this example was made prior to 1933. It is in working repaint. This brant has the words "Irvine Fulcher" in pen inscribed in the bottom. Given by Jesse & Sonya Sorrell. Jesse is a member of the Carolina Decoy Collectors Association and holds a significant collection of North Carolina decoys. He works year-round to promote decoy collecting.
High bidder:1000000 (Illinois)
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Rare, stylish, Lionel Mason Beach Robin shorebird in original paint with original stake. Functional folkart style.
Lot 17: Rare, stylish, Lionel Mason Beach Robin shorebird in original paint with original stake. Functional folkart style.
Lionel Mason (1909-1981) Atlantic, NC. Beach robin stick up in original paint and with original stake. He made some very folksy shorebird decoys. They are extremely rare and sought after by collectors. This example was collected in 1970 with a Mitchell Fulcher blackhead. Donated by Robbie & Leslie Smith; Robbie is an avid collector of NC decoys, historian and creator of the 2017 documentary "Core Values", a significant contribution to the history of waterfowling traditions of Core Sound. This oral history captures the spirit and art of famous Core Sound carvers such Homer Fulcher, Mitchell Fulcher, Alvin Harris and others. It features decoy historians Doily Fulcher and Jerry Talton and was premiered at the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum's 25th Anniversary Celebration.
High bidder:555 (North Carolina)
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Excellent Blackhead (Lesser Scaup) decoy made by a combination of Stacy carvers. Lot includes a pristine boxed Waterfowl Heritage book.
Lot 18: Excellent Blackhead (Lesser Scaup) decoy made by a combination of Stacy carvers. Lot includes a pristine boxed Waterfowl Heritage book.
Exceedingly rare and beautiful blackhead wing duck decoy made and used by Eldon Willis, Monnie Willis, Howard Pittman, and Jasper Golden, circa 1940. This bird is published in Neal Conoley`s Waterfowl Heritage, North Carolina Decoys and Gunning Lore, page 263. A new, boxed, limited Edition copy of this book numbered 82 of 200 is included with the decoy. This book has become highly collectible. Decoy donation by Jackie Booth, hunter and collector with family roots Down East and book contribution from author, Neal Conoley, both of them generous supporters of the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center.
High bidder:557 (North Carolina)
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Must-have Portsmouth Brant (painted as a Canada Goose) decoy by George O'Neal & Luke Styron. Excellent patina.
Lot 19: Must-have Portsmouth Brant (painted as a Canada Goose) decoy by George O'Neal & Luke Styron. Excellent patina.
Stunning Brant Decoy from Portsmouth Island, NC. Many brant decoys had goose paint added after the eel grass blight in the 1930`s. This incredible bird comes with the following provenance. "Brant by George O'Neal and Luke Styron". Original paint with white patch added to the cheeks to make it a goose. Provenance by Clint Gaskill of Ocracoke, NC. Contributed by Jerry & Valinda Coates whose growing love and appreciation for Core Sound is reflected in their willingness to give and work with the Down East communities.
High bidder:557 (North Carolina)
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Standard Mason Factory Blackhead, probably a Clubhouse duck, re-paint by Charles Edward Mason, Stacy from his hunting rig.
Lot 20: Standard Mason Factory Blackhead, probably a Clubhouse duck, re-paint by Charles Edward Mason, Stacy from his hunting rig.
This blackhead decoy is from the rig of Charles Edward Mason, Stacy. His rig was made up of many factory decoys and bodies he re-headed from northern carvers brought to Core Sound by sportsmen hunting at the Carteret Gun & Rod Club, which was a tradition of the times. This particular decoy is a Mason Factory standard decoy in old working repaint by Charlie Edward Mason. This decoy has his brand "CEM" and "X" carved in the bottom. The Mason Decoy Factory (1896-1924) was located in Detroit, MI and advertised themselves as the "Largest Manufacturers Of High Grade Decoys In The World!" Stacymen known to have "Clubhouse ducks" are: 1. Alvah Fulcher (1896-1971) initials AF 2. Charlie Wallace Fulcher (1890-1939) initials CWF 3. Damon Fulcher (1876-1950) initials DF 4. Elijah James Fulcher (1894-1939) initials EJF 5. Irving Russell Fulcher (1896-1982) initials IF 6. James Washington Fulcher (1877-1960) initials JWF 7. Mitchell Fulcher (1869-1950) initials MF 8. Weldon Fulcher (1904-1976) initials WF 9. Weldon Earl Fulcher (1931- ) initials WEF 10. William Henry Fulcher (1896-1969) initials WHF 11. William V Fulford ( ) initials WVF 12. Alfred H. Gaskill (1915- 2010) initials AG 13. Fernie Gaskill (1884-1941) initials F and under bill a X 14. Henry Vernon Harris (1876- 1931) initials HVH 15. Andrew Mason (1889-1960) initials AM 16. Charles Edward Mason (1886-1972) initials CEM 17. Henry Murphy (1898-1965) initials HM 18. Ammie Paul (1872-1952) no intials 19. Elmer Salter (1902-1964) no initials 20. Ammie Willis (1892-1961) initials AW 21. Eldon Willis (1908-1981) initials EW most not initialed 22. Justin Willis ( ) initials JW 23. Roy Willis (1933-2012) no initials List compiled by Doily Earl Fulcher
High bidder:529 (North Carolina)
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