Fuel for the Range, Fishing & Sporting Equipment & Rare Autographed Memorabilia

Extraordinary Blast & Cast Auction - Rifle, Pistol & Shotgun Ammunition, Vintage Ammunition & Antique, Excellent Salt Water Reels, some NIB Classic PENN Reels, RARE AUTOGRAPHED SPORTING MEMORABILIA, Signed Basketballs, Basketball & NASCAR Memorabilia & MUCH MORE !
Bidding ENDS Wednesday, MARCH 6th at 7:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Pick-Up Location: House Auction Company Pick-Up Facility, 694 Hwy 70 Otway, Beaufort, NC 28516
Bidding ENDS Wednesday, MARCH 6th at 7:00 PM EDT
For More Information
House Auction Company | 252-729-1162
PICK-UP / LOAD OUT: LOADER and OPERATOR will be available on the Designated Pick-up Dates to Assist. Buyers need to bring the necessary tools and labor to assist with securing their purchases on trailers.
FEDERAL .22 Long Rifle, 40 Grain Solid, 500 cartridges (10 Boxes of 50 rounds)
CCI .22 Long Rifle, 40 Grain Target, 6 boxes-50 rounds per box
WINCHESTER .22 Long Rifle, 36 Grain Hollow Point, 333 rounds in 1 Box
REMINGTON .22 Long Rifle, 40 Grain Plated Round Nose, 100 Cartridges
CCI .22 Long Rifle, 40 Grain Target, 7 Boxes (50 rounds per box)
CCI .22 LR Shotshell, #12 Shot, 2 Full boxes, 1 Partial box (55 cartridges total)
Cal. . 22 Short REMINGTON AND WINCHESTER Ammunition, 29 Grain, 9 Boxes of REMINGTON (50 cartridges each) and 1 Box of WINCHESTER (50 cartridges) - Cal. .22 SHORT
FEDERAL AND CONCORDE .22 Long Rifle, 2 Boxes of FEDERAL 38 Grain Hollow Point (50 cartridges per box), 2 Boxes FEDERAL 40 Grain Solid, 1 Box and 1 Partial Box CONCORDE 40 Grain Solid (56 total cartridges)
CCI .22 Short Sub-sonic, 29 Grain Lead Round Nose, Sub-Sonic-Low Noise, 3 Boxes (100 cartridges each) 300 cartridges total
WINCHESTER .22 Long, 29 Grain, 1 Box (50 cartridges)
SELLIER & BELLOT .22 WMR, 45 Grain, 1 Box of 50 cartridges
CCI .22 WMR Shot Shell, #12 Shot, 2 Boxes (20 cartridges each) 40 cartridges total
CCI .22 WMR, 40 Grain Total Metal Jacket, 1 Box (50 cartridges)
HORNADY .17 HMR, 17 Grain V-Max, 7 Boxes (50 cartridges each) 350 cartridges total
CCI .17 HMR, 20 Grain Full Metal Jacket, 4 Boxes (50 cartridges each) 200 cartridges total
CCI .17 HMR, 3 Boxes 17 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point, 50 cartridges per box; 2 Boxes 20 Grain Jacketed Soft Point, 50 cartridges per box; 1 Container of .17 HMR cartridges-unknown number/manufacturer
FEDERAL .44 Rem. Magnum, 240 Grain Hollow Soft Point, 1 Partial box (16 cartridges)
CCI .45 Colt Shot Shell, #9 Shot, 4 Boxes (10 cartridges each box) 40 cartridges total
R&P .45 Auto Rim, 1 Box of 25 cartridges
CCI .45 Auto Shot Shell, #9 Shot, 2 Boxes (10 cartridges per box) 20 cartridges total
Cal. 9 x 19MM Ammunition, 124 Grain FMJ, 1 Box of 50 cartridges, unopened
UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY .25 Automatic, 50 Grain, 1 Partial box (35 cartridges)
Cal. .357 Magnum REMINGTON, CCI & TRI-TEST Ammunition, 3 Partial boxes: REMINGTON 125 Grain JSP (44 cartridges), TRI-TEST Reloads (36 cartridges) and CCI Shot Shells (5 cartridges) - Cal. .357 Magnum
Cal. .223 & one box of 5.56 cal - PMC, TULAMMO & FEDERAL Ammunition, 3 Boxes PMC Cal. .223 Ammo 55 Grain FMJ, 2 Boxes TULAMMO Cal. .223 Ammo, One Box FEDERAL Cal. 5.56mm 55 Grain Metal Case Boat-Tail Ammo
Cal. .280 WINCHESTER & RP, 2 Partial Boxes: WINCHESTER Cal. .280 - 140 Grain Ballistic Silver Tip (18 cartridges); RP Soft Point (11 cartridges) Cal. .280
Military Ammo Cans, 3, 11" x 5 3/4" x 7"
REMINGTON "00" Buckshot, 12 gauge, 2 3/4", 6 boxes of 15 shells each ( 90 shotgun shells)
WINCHESTER "00" Buckshot, 12 gauge, 2 3/4", 6 boxes of 5 shells each (30 shotgun shells)
WINCHESTER 12 gauge 7 1/2 Shotgun Shells, 2 3/4", 4 boxes of 25 shells each (100 shotgun shells)
WINCHESTER "00" Buckshot and Slugs, 5 boxes "00" Buckshot 2 3/4" shells, 5 shells per box (25 total) 1 box (Hollow Point Slugs 3" shells, 5 shells total
WINCHESTER 12 gauge #8 Shot, 2 3/4", 3 boxes of 25 shells per box
MONARCH "00" 12 gauge Buckshot, 2 3/4", 3 boxes of 25 shells per box
REMINGTON 12 gauge "Slugs", 2 3/4", 3 boxes of 5 shells per box
OLIN CORP. "00" Buckshot Military Grade, 7 boxes of 5 shells per box
FEDERAL 12 gauge #7 Shot, 2 3/4", 2 boxes of 25 shells per box, Steel Target Loads
REMINGTON "00" and #4 Buckshot: 2 boxes "00" Buckshot 2 3/4" shells, 5 shells per box and 1 Box #4 Magnum Buckshot 3" shells, 5 shells per box
WINCHESTER 12 gauge #8 Shot, 2 3/4", 1 box with 25 shells and 1 partial box with 21 shells
ESTATE & CONCORDE 12 gauge #8 Shot, 2 boxes ESTATE #8 2 3/4" shells, 25 shells per box and 1 box CONCORDE #8 2 3/4" Shells mixed CONCORDE and WINCHESTER Shells, total 25 shells
ROTTWEIL 12 gauge #4 Shot, 2 3/4", 1 box with 25 shells
FEDERAL 16 gauge #6 Shot, 2 boxes #6 Shot Hi-Brass 2 3/4" shells, 25 shells per box, 1 box #6 Shot Game Load 2 3/4" shells, 25 shells per box
REMINGTON 16 gauge #6 Shot, 2 3/4", 2 boxes of 25 shells per box
ESTATE 20 gauge #8 Shot, 2 3/4", 3 boxes of 25 shells per box
REMINGTON 20 gauge Hollow Point Rifled Slug, 2 3/4", 6 boxes of 5 shells per box
WINCHESTER & FEDERAL 20 gauge, 1 box #9 Shot, 2 3/4" shells, 25 shells. 1 partial box #6 and #9 shot, 2 3/4" shells (16) #6 shells and (7) #9 shells
WINCHESTER 20 gauge 7 1/2 Shot, 2 3/4", 1 box of 25 shells