Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center - Waterfowl Heritage Auction 2024

On Behalf of the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center for Waterfowl Weekend
Bid 24 hours/day from the convenience of Home, Work or On-the-Go from your Mobile Device
Bidding Ends Saturday, DECEMBER 7th at 7:00 PM
Painting. Artist: Tony Alderman. This painting of the Old Salt was created by renowned artist Tony Alderman, to raise funds for the Core Sound Museum. Tony is very generous with his contributions to Down East Society. The Old Salt may be the last boat built by Ambrose Fulcher of Atlantic, who developed the Down East style of boat.
Decoy. Artist: Curt Salter, Harkers Island. The proceeds from this decoy will benefit the Kent Lawrence Transplant Fund
Decoy. Artist: Unknown. Delaware River decoy. This decoy is from the hunting rig of Mitchell Fulcher, Stacy, NC. Mitchell's mark "MF" is carved in the bottom.
Decoy. Artist: Jarvis Snow, Powell's Point, NC. Jarvis was the son of famed market hunter Dexter Snow and continued the tradition of art of decoy making.
Decoy. Artist: Ardell Waterfield, Knotts Island, NC. Ardell was son of famed decoy maker Charlie Waterfield. Ardell successfully carried on the Knotts Island tradition of decoy making. Working birds from him are rare.
Decoy. Unknown carver. Swan Island Club rig bird, circa 1870s. Branded JO Norris who was a club member.
Decoy. Artist: James T. Holly, Havre de Grace, MD. James “Jim”, the youngest of John ‘Daddy’ Holly’s three sons, was born and raised in in Havre de Grace, Harford County, Maryland. Jim Holly’s decoys did not follow the lines of his father’s; Jim’s decoys had a longer body, more upsweep in the tails, rounder in the back and thinner heads.
Decoy. Artist: Unknown. Corolla region
Decoy. Artist: James Garrett, Shawboro, NC. "JG" is carved in the bottom, White index card with a thumb tack on the bottom that says "James H. Garrett 1944 - , Shawboro, NC circa 1990, p. 42 Canvas Decoys of America" James Harrison "Jimmie" Garrett, Shawboro, NC Born in Knotts Island, NC, Jimmy had a passion for duck hunting and was a hunting guide and avid decoy maker.
Decoy. Artist: Unknown. Early Hatteras, NC
Decoy. Artist: Unknown, early Ocracoke, NC
Decoy. Artist: Charlie Warren Garrish, Ocracoke, NC (1917 - 1971)
Watercolor. JD Knapp. J.D. Knapp was born in New York in 1881. Resident of Los Angeles in 1930. Known for etching and painting.
Print. Artist: Bob Timberlake, Lexington, NC. Bob Timberlake is an American realist artist primarily known for his watercolor paintings as well as for designing and licensing lines of home furnishings, clothing and various other products. He began his career as an artist in 1970 and began his home furnishings line in 1990.
Print. Artist: Alan Cheek.
Decoy. Artist: Clarence Lewis, Stacy, NC. “CL” carved in the bottom. Signed by Bob Timberlake. “BT” stamped in the bottom. There is a check / split running through the bottom.
Decoy. Artist: Clarence Lewis, Stacy, NC. “CL” carved in the bottom. Signed by Bob Timberlake and has “BT” stamped in the bottom. There is a check / split running through the bottom.
Sink Box decoy. Iron. Sanders Foundry, Elizabeth City, NC. The Elizabeth City Foundry was the source of most of the North Carolina iron sinkbox decoys. Originally called the Sanders Foundry, it was founded in early 1880s by Joseph Sanders.
Two decoys. Artist: Heber Guthrie, Gloucester, NC. Both 1/2 size. Signed "HG" on the bottom.
Decoys. Artist: Wayne Davis, Harkers Island, NC. Wayne was one of the seven original founding members of the Core Sound Decoy Carvers Guild. The idea to form a guild was hatched at his home with friends around a pot of clam chowder. Wayne and those six other men represent the seven founders known as, "The Original Seven."
Decoys. A) Old Squaw: Artist: Bob Jobes, Aberdeen, MD. Signed. Bob is the oldest son of Captain Harry R. Jobes of which all carve decoys for their livelihood, and are nationally famed for their wooden decoys. Bob produces miniatures to full size decoys. Bob started carving at a very early age with his father at R. Madison Mitchell's Shop. He now has his own style and techniques and produces over 22 species of decoys for you to collect and enjoy. B) Redhead: Artist: Wayne Davis, Harkers Island, NC. Signed 1993. Wayne was one of the seven original founding members of the Core Sound Decoy Carvers Guild. The idea to form a guild was hatched at his home with friends around a pot of clam chowder. Wayne and those six other men represent the seven founders known as, "The Original Seven."
Decoys. Artist: Wayne Davis, Harkers Island, NC. Wayne was one of the seven original founding members of the Core Sound Decoy Carvers Guild. The idea to form a guild was hatched at his home with friends around a pot of clam chowder. Wayne and those six other men represent the seven founders known as, "The Original Seven."
Decoys. Artist: Roy Willis, Stacy, NC. A) Signed, no date, B) Signed, dated 1996, C) Stamped: "Core Sound Christmas Tree" Signed, #146. Roy Willis was a carver, historian, and decoy collector. His decoy collection was an important reference guide for identifying the early Carteret County makers.
Carving. Artist: Homer Fulcher, Stacy, NC. Cedar, varnished, not painted.
Decoys. Artist: unknown. One has "FF" carved in the bottom. The other has no marks.
Decoy. Artist: Unknown
Print. Artist: Ralph J. McDonald, © 1985. For over thirty years knowledgeable art collectors have enthusiastically collected his paintings, giclees and limited edition prints. Mr. McDonald’s work has been featured a numerous major art shows and exhibitions throughout the country. Among them are Game Conservation International, The Ducks Unlimited National Wildlife Art Show, Safari Club International, The Easton Waterfowl Festival, and he has been the featured artist of the year at The Southeastern Wildlife Exposition (1988), The World Wildlife Exposition (1991), The Southern Wildlife Exposition (1993), and the Ducks Unlimited Great Outdoors Festival (1998).
Print. Artist: Alan, Beaufort, NC. embossed. # 88/475
Print. Artist: Ralph J McDonald © 1987. #1542/3000. For over thirty years knowledgeable art collectors have enthusiastically collected his paintings, giclees and limited edition prints. Mr. McDonald’s work has been featured a numerous major art shows and exhibitions throughout the country. Among them are Game Conservation International, The Ducks Unlimited National Wildlife Art Show, Safari Club International, The Easton Waterfowl Festival, and he has been the featured artist of the year at The Southeastern Wildlife Exposition (1988), The World Wildlife Exposition (1991), The Southern Wildlife Exposition (1993), and the Ducks Unlimited Great Outdoors Festival (1998).
Print. Artist: Art LaMay, © 1986. During the past 43 years, Art has designed artwork for various organizations such as Anheuser-Busch, Ducks Unlimited, South Carolina Waterfowl Asso., National Rifle Association, South Carolina Waterfowl Expo, Friends of the NRA, National Wild Turkey Federation, National Wildlife Federation, and the Audubon Society. He has designed stamps, cards, medallions, and posters for all major shows and charitable organizations. 1987 - The Ward Foundation Museum dedicated The Art LaMay Wing 1994 - Ducks Unlimited International Artist Award 1995-2005 - Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation prints of the year 1997-2005 - Epcot Flower & Garden Show - one of 15 international artists exhibiting 2004-2005 - National Wild Turkey Federation prints - Mallard and Wood Ducks 2009 - National Wild Turkey Federation - Wood Ducks 2012 - Ducks Unlimited 75th Year Anniversary Artist NRA - a series of surface feeding ducks M.R. Ducks - many designs Easton Waterfowl Exhibition - Poster artist every year since 1987
Print and Stamp. North Carolina Duck Stamp and print set. Artist: Thom Crowe. 1991. #1650/5020
Decoy. Artist: Unknown. Root head, North Carolina. Contemporary Antique decoy
Decoy. Artist: Scott Ethridge, Knotts Island, North Carolina. (1916-2000) Scott Etheridge was the younger brother of Lionel Etheridge and son to Napoleon Bonaparte Etheridge who maintained a stand of Alvirah Wright decoys.
Decoy. Artist: Factory / LL Bean. Detachable head. L.L.Bean sold some of the most beautiful oversized cork duck decoys, some of which were very similar to Herters. George Soule is credited with being the first commercial maker of oversized cork decoys. George’s decoys were a success and he opened his own shop; however, most of his decoys were sold to LL Bean or Abercrombie & Fitch for sale and distribution. L.L. Bean decoys can be distinguished normally by a wood insert in the tail of the decoy. Bean’s stamp was also on the bottom of most decoys. While most Bean decoys were made of cork, Balsa bodies were produced during World War 2 when cork was in short supply because of its use in life jackets. Bean decoys had a carved wood head with a wood dowel that extended through the body where the anchor cord was attached (in fact this was patented by Soule in 1941). This allowed the head to be turned in different positions.
Decoy. Artist: Charles Fish, Chincoteague, VA. Signed, dated 1994.
Decoy. Artist: Robert Pacquette. Verden, Quebec, Canada
Decoy. Artist: Unknown (possibly Ken Harris)
Decoy. Artist: Unknown, Ontario, Canada.
Decoy. Artist: Jim Fodrie. 1994. Name and date burned in.
Carving. Artist: Charles W. Dowell. Branded: Charles W. Dowell, Winston-Salem, NC
Decoy. Artist: Capt. Harry Jobes, Aberdeen, MD. Harry is a legendary talent, a master of gunning birds made in the style of the area, "The Susquehanna Flats", Chesapeake Bay decoys. His carving career began in Charles Nelson Barnard’s decoy shop which was located two blocks up the street from his home at the age of 8 or 9 by sanding duck heads. After several years Mr. Barnard died and Harry began working for the legendary Madison Mitchell. Capt. Harry worked for the famous R. Madison Mitchell for nearly 25 years before opening his own shop. He has been featured in books, museums and in private collections. During his life he has been a commercial waterman, a hunting guide, as well as a charter boat captain.